Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Consultative Selling

This is a training I attended as a part Skills course last week at LBS.
It was quite interesting and we were told to understand the type of the person to whom we are selling to. There are 4 types of people namely :

1. Analytical
2. Amiable
3. Controller and
4. Enthusiast.

Analytical people are quire thinkers and believe in factual data. So when you are trying to sell to them be ready with the facts, data and research reports.

Amiable people are friendly and will be bridging and will expect a long lasting relationships.

Controllers are slow decision makers based on analysis, data and facts. You need to provide bullet points and get confirmation from them on thier interests.

Enthusiasts are people who like imagining. If you are selling to an enthusiast use phrsases like ' Imagine you are using this tool and it will increase your revenue by many folds, etc etc'

So the basic idea is to understand the buyer before you discuss with them. This is consultative selling or customer oriented selling.

If I talk to a marketing guy, he would say that this is obvious - as a seller you have understand the needs and design the accordingly.

Is Greed Good ?

Well, not exactly but it depends on what you are after. Many of my friends including me have settled in a decent job with a decent pay. Moreover, with a bit of a luck we are now working in the western country which gives you a good work-life balance unlike it is in India where the more you show that you are working the better will be your rapport with your manager and better the pay.

Ok, now we know where we are and always, always and always want to go move up a bit higher in terms of position, salary, power, etc, etc... I know this is not greed but to avoid complacency we strive to grow. Our needs tend to keep growing time goes and so is our family, our pass time activities etc which is why again we strive to be even better wanting to grow.

This seems to be a vicious circle and are we ever going to come out of it ? are we ever going to be satisfied and whole heartedly happy with what we have without wanting more beyond our needs and reach ? And at this point will I/we stop aiming to be more better than what I am now because I already have what I need ?

So is Greed the basic reason for us to strive harder and be better at things ? May be - as I said before we need to define Greed here - wanting to have more than what you actually need - luxury, comfort, etc - for example the latest and greatest cool gadgets, exotic holidays, sports car and to buy things that we like even without seeing the price tag.

But in the journey we sometimes forget to give back something to the society or less priveleged people. If we can do it directly and if it reaches the needy in addition to satisfying our comforts I would say greed is good..

The more you earn - the more you spend - the more you give - the more you will strive to earn more. We should not forget "the more you give" part which "I think" makes greed good.