Right from teh third week of December all the activities are either postponed after the new year or a bit sluggish.Peoplego in to the festive or rather vacation mood during this time of teh year and ot much deliverables are expected during this period unless it is "customer critical". As there arent many people working I am also feeling a bit lazy and waiting till the dawn of tehnew year to start doing things actively again. Last four days I am jus at home.All the shops/restaurants infact teh city is on vacation here in cambs. Thanks to youtube and google videos and also emule which helps me watch movies without a TV at home. I wonder I would hav gone mad without the internet especially in this country away from home. There are hell a lot of things and I keep browsing something or the other. These four days have rather gone a bit fast than teh usual woring days. I was jus doin a minimal cooking,reading,listening to songs, watching movies and a regular dose of 8 hrs sleep. This is a good break infact.I'll be going to work tomorrow. I didnt want to take off as I wanted to carry forward the holidays to next year so that I can make 2 trips to India. Movies watched in the last four days :
1.Da Vinci code (again)
2.Life is beautiful
3.Chariots of fire
4.Kakha kakha ( not keepin the count of how many times I have seen this)
Listening to a lot of Ilayaraja's songs and videos from youtube.
Without Internet/youtube/google I would have really hated this place and flew back..thanks to teh internet and its growth.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Battery Down :(
My car battery and my energy battery both are down this morning.After spending Sunday with my relatives showing them places around in cambridge I am a bit tired today.So I didnt follow my usual routine.My car is also troubling me and I came to office by bus today.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Rat Race ??
Instead of just following the rat race, I 'ld very much like to do something different. Jus waking up in the morning,getting ready to go to office, work,come back home in the evening,chat,watch TV ,go to sleep and teh cycle continues. Man, we need a change. We have to make some postive difference in our life. The main thing for this is NOT MONEY but passion and the idea.What change can I make to myself/society or people around me ?Need to be dedicated, hardowrking and also be focussed. Laziness is our first enemy which justs can overcome all these positive tarits. So GOD pl. give me the courage and strength to overcome Laziness so that I can make full use of my efficinecy,knowledge and capability to achieve what I want.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I am currently reading the '7 Habits of highly Effective People' by Stephen R Covey. So will try to jot down what I got from that book.
Habit 1 : Be PROACTIVE.
We would have heard this word 'PROACTIVE' said byour Managers in IT industry , if not all atleast I have heard my manager say during my appraisal. So what he or anybody means by asking you to be proactive ? Is it like do the work before he asks you to do ? Have a contingency plan for all the tasks so that even if something happens you can try to finish it well before the deadline ? or is it to do something extra than what you are expected to do ? Many of us are unclear of the word 'PROACTIVE'. But what I got from the book is that, understand the work given to you and work had and sincerely to complete the task.I'll perform the task with my full efficiency,concentration and dedication whatever the work may be.
Now I have a question here. How will I do a work which I am totally disinterested in, with full sincereity and dedication ? the answer here is 'All work are equal'. Give your full concentration and dedication to the work in hand you will feel satisfied that you have done the work for your satisfaction. So not just by stopping when we complete our work, we have to go one step further and do what more we can do so that we can feel great for that extra piece of work that we have done without anybody asking us to do.
Also try to learn from whatever we do so that we can try to be more efficient when we do it again. Trying to be effective by some way when we repeat the same job is also proactive as we can devise an efficient method to do that task which we wouldnt have done during teh first time.
Try to grab all the opportunities to learn something new.Learning is a process and that will never end.The ways that can help you to be proactive are :
1. Fully understand the work that you are doing.
2. Dont feel that the task is uninteresting.
3. Dont give up.
4. Learn from mistakes and try not to repeat it.
5. Communicate your ideas and thoughts clearly and coherently.
Habit 1 : Be PROACTIVE.
We would have heard this word 'PROACTIVE' said byour Managers in IT industry , if not all atleast I have heard my manager say during my appraisal. So what he or anybody means by asking you to be proactive ? Is it like do the work before he asks you to do ? Have a contingency plan for all the tasks so that even if something happens you can try to finish it well before the deadline ? or is it to do something extra than what you are expected to do ? Many of us are unclear of the word 'PROACTIVE'. But what I got from the book is that, understand the work given to you and work had and sincerely to complete the task.I'll perform the task with my full efficiency,concentration and dedication whatever the work may be.
Now I have a question here. How will I do a work which I am totally disinterested in, with full sincereity and dedication ? the answer here is 'All work are equal'. Give your full concentration and dedication to the work in hand you will feel satisfied that you have done the work for your satisfaction. So not just by stopping when we complete our work, we have to go one step further and do what more we can do so that we can feel great for that extra piece of work that we have done without anybody asking us to do.
Also try to learn from whatever we do so that we can try to be more efficient when we do it again. Trying to be effective by some way when we repeat the same job is also proactive as we can devise an efficient method to do that task which we wouldnt have done during teh first time.
Try to grab all the opportunities to learn something new.Learning is a process and that will never end.The ways that can help you to be proactive are :
1. Fully understand the work that you are doing.
2. Dont feel that the task is uninteresting.
3. Dont give up.
4. Learn from mistakes and try not to repeat it.
5. Communicate your ideas and thoughts clearly and coherently.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Instead of blaming the situation, try to learn something out of it when it is bad/good! But usually anybody will blame the situation when something goes wrong. So we can try our best to find out what and how best we can learn from the given opportunity. We must always try to make the best use of any situation or opportunity ( this is in a positive sense). We start creating negative energy around ourselves by feeling bad for ourseleves for being pushed in to a kind of situation which is not favourable to us. But instead of feeling bad we should try to dig out and make use of the opportunity and learn things in life and take things positively. This would create a positive energy not only within ourselves but for people around us aswell. There are a lot of mood swings among people. But when we feel unhappy either you feel bad for yourself or start doing things which are not good to yourself or others. So when we are forced in to such a kind of situation try to make the situation favourable to you by exploring ways in which you can make the situation better.Try to make yourself happy by making others happy. By doing this we'll be matured enough to handle any kind of feelings - not by exposing it to other or hiding it within ourselves so that it comes out with a greater pressure later, but by learning to handle the situation and feel indifferently.But to again insist on the opportunity, aim for the best and try to make the best out of the opportunity given to you to prove yourself.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Train 2 - Urapakkam
During our college days, after the classes end at 4.00 pm we had to wait till 4.40 pm to tkae the train. We had good time in the station with friends waiting for the trains. This incident that I could remember was one such evening when we took the 4.40 train back home. As usual the train was crowded and that day we boarded a different compartment ( not the ladies one) a small one in the middle of the train something similar to the driver's cabin. It was closed but we jus opened it and got in to it. We jus started with some buttons and levers there. My friend Bharadwaj jus pulled some lever when the train was stationed at Urapkkam ( 2 station from our college) and the connecting arms over the train to the electrical lines came down and the train did not start. We were then scared and got out of the compartment and jus boarded another one as if we did not know what happened. Bharadwaj jus very frieghtened when we threatened him that we will inform the guard , to see his reaction.Later after if I remember well say 30-45 mins the train again started to move. It was jus fun and we talked abt that incident for a couple of days about that in college.
East Ham , again
I think this is my 3rd driving trip to London. This trip was even more interesting as we were 4 people and were discussing about a lot of topics/making fun of otheres..etc. There was £1 book sale in Cambridge so we all met there.We spent around an hour there grabbing some good books. And as usual I'll have all the interest and enthusiasm when I am buying the book but ..you know what happens later. So started towards East Ham.London. Reached East Ham in aroung an hour and a quarter.Went to a temple there and then to HSB.Did a lot of groceries and vegetables shopping, packed our dinner from HSB (again) and headed towards Cambs.On sunday I was treated by my friend here in Cambs in Pizza Hut.had a high fat lunch and skipped the meal for the rest of the day.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Unclaimed Leg

Underground Day travel card. Right from childhood I enjoy travelling by train/bus. During childhood days we (my mom,bro and me) used to go to my granny's place by train and my bro used to be very mischievious. I very well remember that one day my mom tooks from one end to the other in the madras Sub urban train. We were really fascinated and we tried to remember all the station names in the correct order and my mom would get us FIVE STAR chocolate for that.
The next regular trip was during my college days. For four full years I travelled by the Madras Suburban trains to reach college. We fought,cracked jokes,ragged,made new friends and what not during our train journey. That was the next stage.
And then comes the train travel from Bangalore to Chennai for around two years atleast once in a month.Many times I travelled with friends and sometime alone.So for the last 24 years I have been travelling by Indian Railways (Madras Suburban/Southern Railways).
I really cherish those memories. Now having been lucky to travel by the London Underground as well I am really excited and would love to grab any opportunity to travel by th Underground.Will try to continue about my train travel experiences and the guys whom I met in my train journey and became friends.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Goin on...
Started to go for Boxing class recently.There is actually not much work in the office and so I am trying to spend my time as useful as possible. Travelled to farnborough a couple of weeks before for a training on Assertiveness and Effective communication.The trainer concentrated more on teh body language and showed many clippings on the political leaders' body language. The course was quite good and interesting and learnt something. I ahve to start looking for a house coseby to office and also spend more time studying. This weekend we are planinng to drive to London to buy some stuffs.Am looking forward for that.Also recently I have seen many movies. Fugitive, Enemy of the state,Bend it like Beckham,Bride and Prejudice,Troy,Gladiator,Mission Impossible 3,Casino Royale,Saw III,Forrest Gump.Also planning to see a couple of movies this weekend.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Fun Run
I did the fun run fr BBC children in Need charity. I was interested in doin this riht from teh day I received an email about this. We had to run as a team of four (relay) and so I had to look out for 3 more. 2 others at work were interested but finding teh last one was a bit difficult.Atlast just 48 hours before the run the other guy confirmed. I filled up the aplication,colected the money and paid at the fitness centre to get the kit. Yesterday we assembled at the venue at around quarter to noon.I was about to run the second lap and I kind of sprained my foot jus the day before. I was in no way ready to opt out blaming the pain. I was confident taht I would eb able to run and I made it aswell. Though I wasnt running very fast I was bale to complete teh 1.1 lap in 8 mins 33 sec which is ofcourse not fast. One of my colleague who is a regular runner completed the lap in 5 mins 33 secs.
In the evening a karoke was organised with our next door company.We had a good time there and had few drinks and nibbles.
In the evening a karoke was organised with our next door company.We had a good time there and had few drinks and nibbles.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Weekend Galataa!
On Saturday I pormised to drop one of my friend from Cambridge to Hounslow. Having bought a car here I am trying to exploit every opportunity to drive on the motorways and long distance. I called one of my roomies tempting him about the food in Southall which is just 3.5 miles from Hounslow.He was also thirlled to have good non veg dishes in Southall.
After taking a bunch of printouts for the route in google maps with exact street location we started at aroung half past one in the afternoon to pick my friend up who has to leave to Hounslow. We took the motorway M11 to London and when we reached the end of the motorway (M11) the map that we had and the round abouts didnt match.We were confused and headed in the wrong direction.We then enquired the route in a petrol bunk, a supermarket to find the correct way. I dorve to central London by taking a wrong route.
Luckily we took my other roomie's map book and we tried to navigate the way using that. Atlast we reached the desired destination at around seven in the evening. We had good Biriyani,Naan,Channa masala and some sweets there, dropped my friend in his new accomodation and then started the way back home. The way back home was pretty easier and straight forward so we did not have any problems.
We reached hoem at around quarter past 10. It was a good experience but I should fully understand teh route before lanning for a long trip.
After taking a bunch of printouts for the route in google maps with exact street location we started at aroung half past one in the afternoon to pick my friend up who has to leave to Hounslow. We took the motorway M11 to London and when we reached the end of the motorway (M11) the map that we had and the round abouts didnt match.We were confused and headed in the wrong direction.We then enquired the route in a petrol bunk, a supermarket to find the correct way. I dorve to central London by taking a wrong route.
Luckily we took my other roomie's map book and we tried to navigate the way using that. Atlast we reached the desired destination at around seven in the evening. We had good Biriyani,Naan,Channa masala and some sweets there, dropped my friend in his new accomodation and then started the way back home. The way back home was pretty easier and straight forward so we did not have any problems.
We reached hoem at around quarter past 10. It was a good experience but I should fully understand teh route before lanning for a long trip.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Different Me!
Last night I was a bit confused or annoyed with some happenings in office so planned to go out for a drink with my roomies. Went to Monkfield arms to have a beer and Chicken caesar salad The food was good and we planned to hang out for some time in the city. We drove to the Cinewrold here in cambridge though not very sure of watching a movie. It was the eve of one of my roomies' 5th wedding anniversary so he was ready to treat us with an Icecream.
So as all of us agreed we bought the tickets to watch a movie 'SAW 3'. I bought 2 scoops of Rum n Raisin Icecream thinking that it would be a bit mild and tasty as it is in India.
The movie started with horrible scene of a guy cutting his own shacled leg to escape from being killed by a bomb blast. The opening scene was very horrible.Slowly I started gulping my Rum n Raisin Icecream and felt the 'kick' of the Rum..when I almost completed it I satrted feeling Dizzy,sweating inside and felt nauseated. I was not alright for few mins but the kick then gradually came down. Then watching this movie was the next horrible thing. There was a scene where a doctor was cutting the patient's skull and drilling holes to release the pressure inside. The patient is a crucial murder planner..believe me it was really horrible..wasn't much interested in the story line though. So after about an hour and a quarter we werent able to sit there and we came out and drove back home.
So as all of us agreed we bought the tickets to watch a movie 'SAW 3'. I bought 2 scoops of Rum n Raisin Icecream thinking that it would be a bit mild and tasty as it is in India.
The movie started with horrible scene of a guy cutting his own shacled leg to escape from being killed by a bomb blast. The opening scene was very horrible.Slowly I started gulping my Rum n Raisin Icecream and felt the 'kick' of the Rum..when I almost completed it I satrted feeling Dizzy,sweating inside and felt nauseated. I was not alright for few mins but the kick then gradually came down. Then watching this movie was the next horrible thing. There was a scene where a doctor was cutting the patient's skull and drilling holes to release the pressure inside. The patient is a crucial murder planner..believe me it was really horrible..wasn't much interested in the story line though. So after about an hour and a quarter we werent able to sit there and we came out and drove back home.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Back Again!
I am back again to post a blog after more than a month. Many Changes since then. I bought an used car. Rover 214Si. It's good though a bit old. I drove from Cambridge to London with my friend on Diwali. The dirve was smooth an we didnt have any problem. I still have to learn most of the U.K traffic rules and regulations. I have to take some lessons from a driving instructor soon so that I can ppear for the Driver's license test.
Day before yesterday the U.K Home office have announced a lot of changes in the Immigration rules for both new applicants as well as extension apllicatnts who are already in the U.K. The direct impact is I have to take IELTS by atleast mid of January. I am trying to listen to lot of BBC radio programmes and interact with a lot of Britons so that I can follow their accent without any problem.
I would like to enroll for a yoga or a mediation programme to control my anxiety and lack of patience. I have to control my emotions and also be a bit patient.
I have been working out in the fitness centre for almost a month now. So I start a bit early from home in the morning and go to the fitness centre which just few buildings away from my office.
Day before yesterday the U.K Home office have announced a lot of changes in the Immigration rules for both new applicants as well as extension apllicatnts who are already in the U.K. The direct impact is I have to take IELTS by atleast mid of January. I am trying to listen to lot of BBC radio programmes and interact with a lot of Britons so that I can follow their accent without any problem.
I would like to enroll for a yoga or a mediation programme to control my anxiety and lack of patience. I have to control my emotions and also be a bit patient.
I have been working out in the fitness centre for almost a month now. So I start a bit early from home in the morning and go to the fitness centre which just few buildings away from my office.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Met me old colleagues in the nearby pub as planned earlier and had a good discussion about telecoms,economy,continental europe,britain,america,India. Ended up about Indian culture , marriages and the software engineers in India. I felt good that I was able to make good friends here though not Britons here in teh U.K. We planned to mee agian next week. It's good that I am kinda of gettin the views of ppl from other countries and gettin to know what they think about everything.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
After 3 months of staying in cambridge and seeing the Cam rver for many times only today I got an opportunity to PUNT. It was PUNTING day in office ( it seems this is celebrated every year in my office) and as I am a new starter here I joined them for Punting. Infact I havent started talking to many people @ office so was a bit reluctant to ask for a lift when ppl. started early from office today to punt and barbecue. When my manager asked me if I could join for the barbecue I immediately agreed. Actually I was waiting for someone to ask me that. So didnt have the fun of punting in the eveing but atleast enjoyed punting the way back.
I am really impressed on the way the English people enjoy their life. This cam river is very beautiful and it was fun to punt. Actually I didn't punt the boatbut I paddled with the oar. I got to talk to a lot of new people and this is my first opportunity to get to know more abt my colleagues. Initially when we started to punt we didnt do it well ,we were going in a zig zag manner and every othe rpunt overtook us. But later, after quite some time we got the tctics and were able to over take others. There were native english ppl (cambridge ppl) who were really experts. Also few of our BIG bosses who have come to cambs for meeting us joined the punting activity. On the whole it was a lot of fun with punting,barbecue and beer and was a good opportunity for me to enjoy as well a get to know people. Will try to post some snap
I am really impressed on the way the English people enjoy their life. This cam river is very beautiful and it was fun to punt. Actually I didn't punt the boatbut I paddled with the oar. I got to talk to a lot of new people and this is my first opportunity to get to know more abt my colleagues. Initially when we started to punt we didnt do it well ,we were going in a zig zag manner and every othe rpunt overtook us. But later, after quite some time we got the tctics and were able to over take others. There were native english ppl (cambridge ppl) who were really experts. Also few of our BIG bosses who have come to cambs for meeting us joined the punting activity. On the whole it was a lot of fun with punting,barbecue and beer and was a good opportunity for me to enjoy as well a get to know people. Will try to post some snap
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Change is Constant!
I remember writing this phrase when I moved to Motorola. Now again in another American MNC, with all good facilities I am a bit satisfied. I always felt better working for a big MNC. This feeling of satisfaction and also the pride when you say to whom you work for has made my mind and heart feel very happy many a times. I always liked to take up more responsibilities and felt happier when my outlook calendar is filled with meeting/deadlines/schedules.
But someimes I a bit lazy too ;) I am trying to prepare for an exam and I am really trying a bit hard to concentrate more and make less errors. But I am not sure if my compentency is English language and grammar is atleast at an average level. When I tried to answer few questions and found myself to be in deep pits w.r.t grammar I felt very bad.
I am searching for ways to improve my language. Instead of reading Fictions I will start reading books that would definitely hep me in achieving my goal.
My next post may be about my new NOKIA 6280 whih I bought a week back.
But someimes I a bit lazy too ;) I am trying to prepare for an exam and I am really trying a bit hard to concentrate more and make less errors. But I am not sure if my compentency is English language and grammar is atleast at an average level. When I tried to answer few questions and found myself to be in deep pits w.r.t grammar I felt very bad.
I am searching for ways to improve my language. Instead of reading Fictions I will start reading books that would definitely hep me in achieving my goal.
My next post may be about my new NOKIA 6280 whih I bought a week back.
Friday, September 22, 2006
I am an ardent fan of chennai. Though many people complain about its climate , I see the beaches and the culture in chennai. My eyes will always search for the word chennai in the news.
I was very happy to see these two news items :
1. World Bank has opened an office in Chennai.
2. Nokia to double its workforce to 7000 in chennai.
Isnt these two news wonderful.
I was very happy to see these two news items :
1. World Bank has opened an office in Chennai.
2. Nokia to double its workforce to 7000 in chennai.
Isnt these two news wonderful.
Monday, September 18, 2006
You're Special
I didnt wan to blog today! But the thought of you made me feel how I missed you! I wish you were here with me...Every time when I joined a company you made sure that you were there to wish me and pray for me..With tears in my eyes now I say that I really miss you and tomorrow before I join the new job I would give you a call and get your blessings..
You sacrificed so many things for me and faced so much of troubles and pains in life and yet had the confidence that we would live happily one day! Your hopes didn't go waste .. I am there for you by all means...You're the one who always think about me and I am not sure why I am not able to pour out my feelings when I meet you..but next time when I meet you I think I would definitely pour out and will definitely try to keep you with me. I might have been rude sometimes but I really feel sorry for that.
I am expectign the clock to tick tomorrow morning so that I can call you to hear your sweet words which I would like to hear always.
You sacrificed so many things for me and faced so much of troubles and pains in life and yet had the confidence that we would live happily one day! Your hopes didn't go waste .. I am there for you by all means...You're the one who always think about me and I am not sure why I am not able to pour out my feelings when I meet you..but next time when I meet you I think I would definitely pour out and will definitely try to keep you with me. I might have been rude sometimes but I really feel sorry for that.
I am expectign the clock to tick tomorrow morning so that I can call you to hear your sweet words which I would like to hear always.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Today I had a dicussion with my roomies about the basic qualifications/necessities to start a business. The topic was actually started by the other guy who was asking us what are our future plans and the topic started with that.
I putforth my views about starting a business is :
1. An urge to start a business and make money. Generally anybody would be interested to make money but when talking about business and managing a company one has to have business acumen and dedication in what he does and also should be aware of the risks.
2. An entrepreneur need not have an indepth technical knowledge or in out knowledge if the product.It is essential to have the idea of
a. how the product is produced/manufactured or made and the processes involved in that
b. how his product is different from his competitor's product
c. his business goals to succeed.
3. It is always not necessary to have an MBA degree to start a business but some basic knowledge on how to manage would help.
4. Later when the business grows he can learn (by doing an MBA or hiring appropriate people) so that things do not go out of control.
5. If the person is really interested in becoming an entrpreneur he would think of every possible opportunity to become one.
Your comment/additions are welcome.
I putforth my views about starting a business is :
1. An urge to start a business and make money. Generally anybody would be interested to make money but when talking about business and managing a company one has to have business acumen and dedication in what he does and also should be aware of the risks.
2. An entrepreneur need not have an indepth technical knowledge or in out knowledge if the product.It is essential to have the idea of
a. how the product is produced/manufactured or made and the processes involved in that
b. how his product is different from his competitor's product
c. his business goals to succeed.
3. It is always not necessary to have an MBA degree to start a business but some basic knowledge on how to manage would help.
4. Later when the business grows he can learn (by doing an MBA or hiring appropriate people) so that things do not go out of control.
5. If the person is really interested in becoming an entrpreneur he would think of every possible opportunity to become one.
Your comment/additions are welcome.
Munbe Vaa
Munbe vaa en anbe vaa
oonae vaa uyire vaa
Munbe vaa en anbe vaa
poo poovai poovai
Naan naana ? kaetaen ennai naane
naan neeya ? nenjam sonnathey
[Munbe vaa....]
Rango rangoli kolangal nee pottai
kolam pottavar kaigal vazhiya
valaiyal sattham
jal jal
rango rangoli kolangal nee pottai
kolam pottavar kaigal vazhiya
sundara malligai sandhana malligai
sindiya punnagai vannam sindha
a ah ah ah ha haha
poo vaithai poo vaithai
nee povaikkor poo vaithai
mana povaithu povaithu
povaikkul thee vaithai
ah ha ha...
A very melodoius romantic song...
and have heard this for more than 20 times in the past 2 or 3 days..
The song is good but not one of the best from Rehman.
oonae vaa uyire vaa
Munbe vaa en anbe vaa
poo poovai poovai
Naan naana ? kaetaen ennai naane
naan neeya ? nenjam sonnathey
[Munbe vaa....]
Rango rangoli kolangal nee pottai
kolam pottavar kaigal vazhiya
valaiyal sattham
jal jal
rango rangoli kolangal nee pottai
kolam pottavar kaigal vazhiya
sundara malligai sandhana malligai
sindiya punnagai vannam sindha
a ah ah ah ha haha
poo vaithai poo vaithai
nee povaikkor poo vaithai
mana povaithu povaithu
povaikkul thee vaithai
ah ha ha...
A very melodoius romantic song...
and have heard this for more than 20 times in the past 2 or 3 days..
The song is good but not one of the best from Rehman.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Sillunu oru Kaadhal...
Unarchi Thendral....
Jus saw the movie after waiting for so long..almost a week after the release...Suriya,Jo and Bhoomika has done a good job.. Suriya and Jo's family scenes looks real.. and they could have put a new child ( with less overacting) instead of the the avitaa masala kid...
I really liked Bhoomika in this movie .. The love and affection between a husband and wife is shown well and I cant understand , when they love each other so much Jo shouldnt have hidden her feelings (abt Aishu) but anyway the way the director has taken is also good and is different.
I think Suriya would have felt this movie as his rehearsal to his marriage and family life.
The sone Munbe vaa is too good and also kummi adi.
I wish I could watch this movie in theatre, being here I am not sure if I would really get a chance.
Jus saw the movie after waiting for so long..almost a week after the release...Suriya,Jo and Bhoomika has done a good job.. Suriya and Jo's family scenes looks real.. and they could have put a new child ( with less overacting) instead of the the avitaa masala kid...
I really liked Bhoomika in this movie .. The love and affection between a husband and wife is shown well and I cant understand , when they love each other so much Jo shouldnt have hidden her feelings (abt Aishu) but anyway the way the director has taken is also good and is different.
I think Suriya would have felt this movie as his rehearsal to his marriage and family life.
The sone Munbe vaa is too good and also kummi adi.
I wish I could watch this movie in theatre, being here I am not sure if I would really get a chance.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
When you dont have work !!!

Here are the list of things that you can do when you don't have any work in the office /when you are on bench/ when you are on notice period and no work is assigned to you :
1. Read the NEWS in all online news papers and sites and update your knowledge on current affairs.
2. If you are preparing for any exam (unofficial and for career or personal growth) collect all the materials from the net and archive it.
3. Read blogs to feel relaxed and to drive away sleep.
4. Spend some time in the cafeteria chatting with friends.
5. Plan for tthe activity in the evening or the next day.
6. Complete all your personal works that has to be completed. Make a note of them and put a tick mark once they are done.
7. Collect the information about the place where you are planning to spend the next vacation.
8. Login to Gtalk/Yahoo/MSN and keep in touch with old buddies. This would be the right time to do this as you can chat with them when you are busy.
9. Keep thinking creatively on how to spend time effectively.
10. Keep checking with your manager if he/she can assign some work to you so that you need not do all the above.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Virus!!! Backdoor.Coreflood

Yes..my laptop is infected with this virus!...I tried last night to kill them..but they want a strng antibiotic..have pronted out some removal procedures from the symantec site..have to try removing them soon to keep me connected... And also I shouldnt visit those sites that I visted day b4 yesterday which was the cause for this virus..
Stolen one...
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.
They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son,"How was the trip?"
"It was great, Dad."
"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.
"Oh yeah," said the son.
"So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.
The son answered: "I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and
they have a creek that has no end.We have imported lanterns
in our garden and they have the stars at night.Our patio
reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields
that go beyond our sight.We have servants who serve us,
but they serve others.We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
We have walls around our property to protect us, they have
friends to protect them."
The boy's father was speechless.
Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me
how poor we are."
Isn't perception a wonderful thing?
This is a wonderful one and thought how we are just seeing what we dont have and keep wanting things but forget to enjoy what we have...
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.
They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son,"How was the trip?"
"It was great, Dad."
"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.
"Oh yeah," said the son.
"So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.
The son answered: "I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and
they have a creek that has no end.We have imported lanterns
in our garden and they have the stars at night.Our patio
reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields
that go beyond our sight.We have servants who serve us,
but they serve others.We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
We have walls around our property to protect us, they have
friends to protect them."
The boy's father was speechless.
Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me
how poor we are."
Isn't perception a wonderful thing?
This is a wonderful one and thought how we are just seeing what we dont have and keep wanting things but forget to enjoy what we have...
Monday, September 11, 2006
Jo - Surya...
Friday, September 08, 2006
M S Subbulakshmi..
I am a grest fan of Mrs(late).M S Subbulakshmi..born in a brahmin family I had a very good opportunity to listen and enjoy her mesmerising golden voice....an off late I started to listen to more carnatic songs...and in the next hgeneration I prefer to listen to Nithyasree Mahadeven's voice...her bright bold voice makes me feel light..2.5 years before I was not aware of teh famous Thyagraja Keerthnais..and I jus bought a Thyagaraja keerthanais sung by Nithyasree..I started loving those songs and am listening to those so often...I am listening to those songs sung by different artistes..MS,Nithysree and Maharajapuran Sanatham..
I love to listen the "Jagadaranandakaraka"..yes the same song which was shown in "Anniyan"...
and whoever sang that I am loving that raaga..not sure what raaga it is it..and also the alapanais ( I hope that's what they call it as ..all those sa,ni,pa...etc)....
I have to develop my taste and knowledge in this area...
I love to listen the "Jagadaranandakaraka"..yes the same song which was shown in "Anniyan"...
and whoever sang that I am loving that raaga..not sure what raaga it is it..and also the alapanais ( I hope that's what they call it as ..all those sa,ni,pa...etc)....
I have to develop my taste and knowledge in this area...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Makkal Thol(l)aikatchi
Here is the next political party founder with a new satellite channel in Tamil Nadu...Yes, the Pattali Makkal Katchi now has its own satellite channel "Makkal Tholaikatchi" - according the records they say that there are share holders..but GOK..
Captain Vijaykanth..pongi ezhunga..come on...I hope the next would be captain channel...
Makkal Tholaikatchi was inaugurated by our CM MK , Dayanidhi Maran,Anbumani Ramadoss were also present at the function...
I think these days (even in olden days) politicians earn more (indirectly) and dont even pay IT..we f***ing Software engineers pay a lot of tax which goes to somebody's bank account....
I am planning to start a political party in few years..how abt this?
Captain Vijaykanth..pongi ezhunga..come on...I hope the next would be captain channel...
Makkal Tholaikatchi was inaugurated by our CM MK , Dayanidhi Maran,Anbumani Ramadoss were also present at the function...
I think these days (even in olden days) politicians earn more (indirectly) and dont even pay IT..we f***ing Software engineers pay a lot of tax which goes to somebody's bank account....
I am planning to start a political party in few years..how abt this?
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Naan Pesa Ninaipathellam.....
Posted in Metro Blogs..like it a lot and felt like what I wanted to say..but I am not a good poet..and I also I was not born in Srirangam...
சென்னைஎனக்கு நீயும் ஒரு அன்னை
உன் வசம் ஈர்த்தாய் என்னை
நான் பிறந்ததோ திருவரங்கம்
அது என்னுள் ஓர் அங்கம்
ஆனால் வளர்ந்ததோ உன் ஆசை மடி
அதனால் இந்த பந்தம் தொப்புள் கொடி
நீ வந்தாரை வாழவைக்கும்
கலாசாரத்திலும் சிகரம்உன்னை பிரிந்தாலோ ஏற்படும் ஒரு வித தவிப்புஅது உன் மேல் இருக்கும் அன்பின் பிரதிபலிப்புஉன்னிடம் வந்து சேர்ந்தாலே ஒரு நிம்மதிசலனப்படும் மனதில் ஆழ்ந்த அமைதிஉன் புகழ் திக்கெட்டும் பரவட்டும்உன் பெருமை உலகெங்கும் மலரட்டும்
சென்னையே உன்னை காதலிக்கிறோம்சென்னையே உன்னை ஆராதிக்கிறோம்சென்னையே உன்னையே ஆதரிப்போம்
சென்னைஎனக்கு நீயும் ஒரு அன்னை
உன் வசம் ஈர்த்தாய் என்னை
நான் பிறந்ததோ திருவரங்கம்
அது என்னுள் ஓர் அங்கம்
ஆனால் வளர்ந்ததோ உன் ஆசை மடி
அதனால் இந்த பந்தம் தொப்புள் கொடி
நீ வந்தாரை வாழவைக்கும்
கலாசாரத்திலும் சிகரம்உன்னை பிரிந்தாலோ ஏற்படும் ஒரு வித தவிப்புஅது உன் மேல் இருக்கும் அன்பின் பிரதிபலிப்புஉன்னிடம் வந்து சேர்ந்தாலே ஒரு நிம்மதிசலனப்படும் மனதில் ஆழ்ந்த அமைதிஉன் புகழ் திக்கெட்டும் பரவட்டும்உன் பெருமை உலகெங்கும் மலரட்டும்
சென்னையே உன்னை காதலிக்கிறோம்சென்னையே உன்னை ஆராதிக்கிறோம்சென்னையே உன்னையே ஆதரிப்போம்
To My Gurus...
Thanks to all my teachers for what I am today! Happy Teacher's Day!
I wish I could meet few of my favourite teachers who were with me during my happier moments to share my happiness and to motivate and support me when I was not doing well. There few teachers whom I cant forget in my life for supporting me and encouraging me. Thanks to all of them. I would mention thier names here :
1. Mrs. Subha - CSE
2. Mrs. Srimathi - CSE
3. Mrs. Nagamalar - CSE
4. Mrs. Mini K Nair - English
5. Mrs. Annathai - Tamil
6. Mrs. K P Latha - Maths
7. Mr. Adalarasan - Maths
8. Mr. K Mani - Tamil
9. Mrs. Neeraja - Biology
10. Mrs.Usha - English
11. Ms.Vidya - Physics
12. Mrs. Sujatha - English.
Thanks to all. I would definitely try to meet them and take their blessings and I hope a few mentioned in the list above will definitely remember me.
I wish I could meet few of my favourite teachers who were with me during my happier moments to share my happiness and to motivate and support me when I was not doing well. There few teachers whom I cant forget in my life for supporting me and encouraging me. Thanks to all of them. I would mention thier names here :
1. Mrs. Subha - CSE
2. Mrs. Srimathi - CSE
3. Mrs. Nagamalar - CSE
4. Mrs. Mini K Nair - English
5. Mrs. Annathai - Tamil
6. Mrs. K P Latha - Maths
7. Mr. Adalarasan - Maths
8. Mr. K Mani - Tamil
9. Mrs. Neeraja - Biology
10. Mrs.Usha - English
11. Ms.Vidya - Physics
12. Mrs. Sujatha - English.
Thanks to all. I would definitely try to meet them and take their blessings and I hope a few mentioned in the list above will definitely remember me.
Monday, September 04, 2006
MK (CM of TN) today in the 150th year celebration of MU has declared a full support for implementing the OBC reservations. He has declared that he'ld support Union HRD Minister Arjun Singh relating Arjun Singh to Arjun in Mahabharat and himsef ( or his party which means the same) to Krishna. Just few days before I read an article about a guy who was brought up in slum was able to make it to BITS and the IIM-A and his point on reservation was very much valid. He quoted that the reservations should be given for the economically backward people and students whose parents aren't well educated to guide them. In TN (interior) I heard that getting a caste certificate is very easy..what is very difficlt in India if a person has money..God please help this country! If politicians keep dividing people based on their castes..teh when will the caste system be eradicated in India..the reservations should be given to only one generation and if the person is educated atleast to a bachelors degree level then from the next generation onwards his son/daughter should only qualify for teh OC. I saw the plight of medical students who protested against this reservation earlier this year...what's the use now!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Lost Moments!
When we have the time and people around us we dont feel the importance of both and feel like they'll be with us forever so we could do that later..but when the time goes off we (atleast I) realise that wec ould have done much more than what we did.
Anyway live every moment in making yourself and others happy..dont forget the past and dont forget to plan for the future while enjoying the present...I remember teh Airtel's logo at this moment 'Live Every Moment'...
The reason why I felt like writing this is the time that I am wasting because of my negligence and laziness...I wish to do a lot of things but the laziness in me overcomes this wish...
I have to prepare a master plan to defeat the laziness and work/do something effectively and efficiently. Sometimes I think of most unimportant things in life and crib for not having that and forget the absence of essential things in life.
I am very much interested in networking and friends and at the same time I feel that I am wasting time just by talking. As my school logo says 'Thamsoma Jyotirgamaya' - ' Lead us from darkness light' - Oh God please show me the right path....
Anyway live every moment in making yourself and others happy..dont forget the past and dont forget to plan for the future while enjoying the present...I remember teh Airtel's logo at this moment 'Live Every Moment'...
The reason why I felt like writing this is the time that I am wasting because of my negligence and laziness...I wish to do a lot of things but the laziness in me overcomes this wish...
I have to prepare a master plan to defeat the laziness and work/do something effectively and efficiently. Sometimes I think of most unimportant things in life and crib for not having that and forget the absence of essential things in life.
I am very much interested in networking and friends and at the same time I feel that I am wasting time just by talking. As my school logo says 'Thamsoma Jyotirgamaya' - ' Lead us from darkness light' - Oh God please show me the right path....
Saturday, September 02, 2006
S/w enng. attitude..
Was jus astonished when one of my friends (not an Indian) told the guy to fwd his CV to a new company as soon as he came to know that the guy is moving to a different company...so I thought Software engineers all ove rteh world have the same attitude.
I saw vettaiyadu Vilaydu film last night after having downloaded it 3 days before..The movie was a good thriller with some threads (scenes) which was not coherent and for the second time Gautham has made the story in such a way that Jyothika dies in the end ..as same in kakha kakha..also many sequences and characters' names sound similar to K K.
Played Tennis for a while and had kathrikai vetha kuzhambu and seppankazhangu curry for dinner...
I was jus wondering how seppankazhangu is called in English.. if any of u guys know that..pl. lemme know..
I saw vettaiyadu Vilaydu film last night after having downloaded it 3 days before..The movie was a good thriller with some threads (scenes) which was not coherent and for the second time Gautham has made the story in such a way that Jyothika dies in the end ..as same in kakha kakha..also many sequences and characters' names sound similar to K K.
Played Tennis for a while and had kathrikai vetha kuzhambu and seppankazhangu curry for dinner...
I was jus wondering how seppankazhangu is called in English.. if any of u guys know that..pl. lemme know..
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Too many things to worry about !
We are happy sometimes to get what we want but there are some sitautions where you may be happy one side but a bit confused and nervous the other side so that the happier moments doesnt go so fast..I am in one such moments...I shoud say "Everything is for Good!"... Leaving that aside..I spoke to my parents after four long days...They are now on a pilgrimage tour to Kasi,Haridwar and Hrishikesh. My parents are very happy and they are content with the trip.
I could see the happiness through their words.
I jus picked a Southern fried Chicked and some fries in FISN N CHICK'N while coming home. Yep..I decided to have this as my dinner once in a week. Felling very lazy to cook and also running out of time and varietyies. I gonna hit the bed now..I know its very early but I want my mind to get refreshed so as to think and plan meticulously for the et of actions that I am going to take.
I could see the happiness through their words.
I jus picked a Southern fried Chicked and some fries in FISN N CHICK'N while coming home. Yep..I decided to have this as my dinner once in a week. Felling very lazy to cook and also running out of time and varietyies. I gonna hit the bed now..I know its very early but I want my mind to get refreshed so as to think and plan meticulously for the et of actions that I am going to take.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Dinner Menu
Today I was a bit tired and hungry after playing Tennis. My dinner menu was :
1/2 Galia Melon
3 lices of Wholw wheat bread
1 cup Apple Juice...
Do you think I started dieting..Nope..never...never in my life I can be on diet..I love to taste different types of foods..I dont mind even if it is not very tasty but I should be able to eat it.. I like trying out different types of food ..I tasted the buffets of almost all 5 * hotels in chennai with my family..my mom is very diet conscious rather she'll not feel OK if she eats some vegetables and she's reluctant to taste soem new dishes..her favourites are the traditional Iyar aathu samayal...
I feeling very lazy and am not interested to spend much time in cooking as of now..because I have a lot of useful stuff do...so I am planniong to cook my luch in the morning and take dabba to office and manage with the items cooked in the morning for dinner too...lemme see how long this works...
1/2 Galia Melon
3 lices of Wholw wheat bread
1 cup Apple Juice...
Do you think I started dieting..Nope..never...never in my life I can be on diet..I love to taste different types of foods..I dont mind even if it is not very tasty but I should be able to eat it.. I like trying out different types of food ..I tasted the buffets of almost all 5 * hotels in chennai with my family..my mom is very diet conscious rather she'll not feel OK if she eats some vegetables and she's reluctant to taste soem new dishes..her favourites are the traditional Iyar aathu samayal...
I feeling very lazy and am not interested to spend much time in cooking as of now..because I have a lot of useful stuff do...so I am planniong to cook my luch in the morning and take dabba to office and manage with the items cooked in the morning for dinner too...lemme see how long this works...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I created a new group in Yahoo groups for the people from TamilNadu,India who are working in cambridge,UK and near by areas. This group os formed to make new friends,celebrate our tamil festivals here in Cambridge and mainly networking ( fwding CVs ;) )..right now I have invited five tamil ppl. here and I know only those 5 (actually 3 and 2 thru my friend)here in cambridge. People who "accidentally" come across my blog and happen to be in cambridge and coincidentally happen to be a tamilian you are most welcome to join the group.
I hope thsi would be really useful if we have atleast 10-15 ppl so that we can start with something. Also I have to think well and come up with some innovative ideas to keep the group active as it is not groups of known people.
Let me see how ceative I am in keeping teh group alive atleast for a month...to my bad luck there are no festivals this month..so taht atleast I culd send 'Happy ********' here * just means wild character and not any censored word.
I cooked Bitter gourd ( pavakkai) curry..I will not say it came out very well..it was tasty and I was able to eat it.I was feeling bored to cook rice so managed to heat the frozen parata and ate with pavvakai for dinner...what a weird combination...
"oru naal un vazhkkaila abroadla bachelora irundhu paar appo theiryum athoda kashtam ellam"
I hope thsi would be really useful if we have atleast 10-15 ppl so that we can start with something. Also I have to think well and come up with some innovative ideas to keep the group active as it is not groups of known people.
Let me see how ceative I am in keeping teh group alive atleast for a month...to my bad luck there are no festivals this month..so taht atleast I culd send 'Happy ********' here * just means wild character and not any censored word.
I cooked Bitter gourd ( pavakkai) curry..I will not say it came out very well..it was tasty and I was able to eat it.I was feeling bored to cook rice so managed to heat the frozen parata and ate with pavvakai for dinner...what a weird combination...
"oru naal un vazhkkaila abroadla bachelora irundhu paar appo theiryum athoda kashtam ellam"
Monday, August 28, 2006
Bank Holiday
I am not very sure about this concept in the U.K. A bank holiday is considered as a local holiday with none of teh offices open and the buses running on a Sunday timetable. Today is one such day and I am still trying to make use of this free time effectively. After roaming around Cambridge for teh last 2 days, I opted to stay at home today and spend some time reading. I told my sister about blogging and showed her some sample blogs of prabhukrish.
Made chinna vengayam vetha kozhambhu and venkaikkai curry for lunch. Hap a good sleep again in the evening. Happened to read this in a blog and found it good...I would be forwrding this to al my friends soon.
A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he sees a dog coming inside the shop. He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back again. So, he goes over to he dog and notices it has a note in its mouth. He takes the note and it reads "Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please? The dog has money in its mouth, as well."The butcher looks inside and, lo and behold, there is a ten dollar note there. So he takes the money and puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is so impressed, and since it's about closing time, he decides to shut the shop and follow the dog.So off he goes. The dog is walking down the street, when it comes to a level crossing; the dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then it waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to turn. They do, and it walks across the road, with the butcher following him all the way.The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable. The butcher is in awe as the dog stops a bus by pulling its left leg up and gets in it. The butcher follows the dog into the bus. The dog then shows a ticket which is tied to its belt to the bus conductor. The butcher is nearly fainting at this sight, so are the other passengers in the bus. The dog then sits near the driver's seat looking outside. As soon as the stop is in sight, the dog stands and wags its tail to inform the conductor. Then, without waiting for the bus to stop completely, it jumps out of the bus and runs to a house very close to the stop. It opens the big Iron Gate and rushes inside towards the door. As it approaches the wooden door, the dog suddenly changes its mind and heads towards the garden. It goes to the window, and beats its head against it several times, walks back, jumps off, rings the door bell and waits at the door. The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts abusing the dog, kicking him and punching him, and swearing at him. The butcher surprised with this, runs up, and stops the guy."What in heaven's name are you doing? The dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for the life of me! "To which the guy responds: "You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this stupid dog's forgotten his key."Moral of the story.....You may continue to exceed on lookers expectations but shall always fall short of the boss's expectations. It's a dog's life after all!
Made chinna vengayam vetha kozhambhu and venkaikkai curry for lunch. Hap a good sleep again in the evening. Happened to read this in a blog and found it good...I would be forwrding this to al my friends soon.
A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he sees a dog coming inside the shop. He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back again. So, he goes over to he dog and notices it has a note in its mouth. He takes the note and it reads "Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please? The dog has money in its mouth, as well."The butcher looks inside and, lo and behold, there is a ten dollar note there. So he takes the money and puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is so impressed, and since it's about closing time, he decides to shut the shop and follow the dog.So off he goes. The dog is walking down the street, when it comes to a level crossing; the dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then it waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to turn. They do, and it walks across the road, with the butcher following him all the way.The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable. The butcher is in awe as the dog stops a bus by pulling its left leg up and gets in it. The butcher follows the dog into the bus. The dog then shows a ticket which is tied to its belt to the bus conductor. The butcher is nearly fainting at this sight, so are the other passengers in the bus. The dog then sits near the driver's seat looking outside. As soon as the stop is in sight, the dog stands and wags its tail to inform the conductor. Then, without waiting for the bus to stop completely, it jumps out of the bus and runs to a house very close to the stop. It opens the big Iron Gate and rushes inside towards the door. As it approaches the wooden door, the dog suddenly changes its mind and heads towards the garden. It goes to the window, and beats its head against it several times, walks back, jumps off, rings the door bell and waits at the door. The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts abusing the dog, kicking him and punching him, and swearing at him. The butcher surprised with this, runs up, and stops the guy."What in heaven's name are you doing? The dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for the life of me! "To which the guy responds: "You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this stupid dog's forgotten his key."Moral of the story.....You may continue to exceed on lookers expectations but shall always fall short of the boss's expectations. It's a dog's life after all!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Vinayaka Chathurthi!!
For the past 2 yrs though I was in B'lore I travel down to chennai to have a feel of the festivals..Now I dont have that option.I was happy when my friend here in Cambridge called home for Lunch. Though I was not keen on food atleast I could meet people and have a chat. I liked the phrase "Interested in friends/business/networking" in orkut. It exactly says why I am in orkut.
Had good lunch at theor home and saw soem movies in Sun TV - Englishkaaran and pokkiriraja.
Actually Rajini's ( not my friend but the superstar) acting in old movies are good and I really adore his style. Not doubt that he is the super star. But his recent roles and get-ups doesntsit him much. I have another day holiday here - a long weekend.
My parents are going to Kasi ( a pilgrimage trip) tomorrow and I am thinking of being awake for teh next two hours so that I could wish them a happy journey in the early morning IST.
Had good lunch at theor home and saw soem movies in Sun TV - Englishkaaran and pokkiriraja.
Actually Rajini's ( not my friend but the superstar) acting in old movies are good and I really adore his style. Not doubt that he is the super star. But his recent roles and get-ups doesntsit him much. I have another day holiday here - a long weekend.
My parents are going to Kasi ( a pilgrimage trip) tomorrow and I am thinking of being awake for teh next two hours so that I could wish them a happy journey in the early morning IST.
Friday, August 25, 2006
I would like to read a lot of motivation books..not that I lack motivation, but atleast while reading those books and after its completion I would use my time effectively. I am a very slow reader and I have to soem way to improve my reading habits. But given some technical books..I am jus exactly opposite. I listened to the Pod cast in kiruba's blog about G.B Prabhat.
Visit www.kiruba.com for more details.
So I started reading the book Eimona ( a pdf version which is free to download).
Visit www.kiruba.com for more details.
So I started reading the book Eimona ( a pdf version which is free to download).
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I was very happy to meet my old good/best friend in London last week. I was really waiting for that moment for teh past 2 months and when it came nearer I was thrilled. I left early from office to take a train from Cambridge to London. The journey is about 40-45 mins. I was happy to see a lot of people moving around in the London Kings Cross Station. With the UNDERGROUND tube map in the hand and a bag in the shoulder I was searching for the connecting train to the London Bridge Station. We had planned to meet at the London Bridge Station. As I was a bit early (as usual) I had a Burger at the Burger king and waited fro the tube. The londON underground is very well planned and connects the whole city. I took teh Jubilee line and reached London bridge station and went out to see the LondON bridge until my friend called to say that he reached the station. I was there and was very happy to meet him after a long time.Time has showed its stamping.. We started talking about our work/life,etc,etc..I still remember that we both (esp me) used to be very talkative during our school days and the teachers would ask us NOT to sit next to each other..we used to talk hours together in front of his house..I am not sure if he still remmebers all these..We visited LondON bridge and went to teh hotel where he was staying. We generally started discussing about things and we talked till next day morning 3 AM..it was good and I would never be able to make such good friends ....
I would always love to be with some good friends whom I really cant miss...but no I am in a place where none of my friends are... I hope to meet them as n when possible..but TIME has to decide when and where... we are being governed by time..and it dictates us what to do...
I would always love to be with some good friends whom I really cant miss...but no I am in a place where none of my friends are... I hope to meet them as n when possible..but TIME has to decide when and where... we are being governed by time..and it dictates us what to do...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Tennis !
Tennis is one game that I loved to play right from my childhood days..but ubfortunately didnt have an opportunity. Started with the caohing in the League club (thru Alcatel) I would be ready to grab the opportunity to play. After coming here to cambridge I became a member of teh Tennis Club which is very close to my home. Every wednesday here we meet new members of teh club and play. Yesterday I enjoyed one such occassion and felt a slight improvement in my game. I wish to concentrate more on improving my game. But, there is another important goal in my life...so should spend considerable amont of time in improving my game.
I have to balance my work,career growth and hobbies.
I have to balance my work,career growth and hobbies.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Get Set Start!
My friend today arrived from India. He has now come to U.K searching for job. I wentdown to the bus station to pick him up and drop him in the accomodation that I booked for him. I had asked him to get me some preparation material on GMAT. He has got it now and I jus went thro first few pages...now I am bloggin with a tin of FOSTER's Beer in my hand...and I remember
"TOMORROW Never DIES".. So I am all set to start preparing.
"TOMORROW Never DIES".. So I am all set to start preparing.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Googling :)
I was reading an "agony aunt" kind of blog the other day. I jus tried googling some of my friends' names in google to see what it retireves..this made me feel a bit sad..I tried my frieds' name who did their Masters in teh US..and google instantly throwed some technical papers by them, their project , thier posts to the technical groups,etc,etc..
I was not lucky enough to do a Masters in the US after my engineering. Even today I feel a bit bad about that. It was that kind of a siuation and nobody except for fate is to be blamed for that. I shouldnt repent because God had given an equal opportunity as my friends' who did their Masters..but one thing I would be missing is the M.S after my name .
But now that I have equal opprtunity, I shouldnt be blaming time or fate and should do my Masters which I was planning for a long time. not an MS but an MBA degree..
"Oh God Please give me the mental strength and
make me dedicated and diligent so as to fulfil my dream..
I trust you and have full faith in you to help me
study well and concentrate on my work to achieve my dream"
I was not lucky enough to do a Masters in the US after my engineering. Even today I feel a bit bad about that. It was that kind of a siuation and nobody except for fate is to be blamed for that. I shouldnt repent because God had given an equal opportunity as my friends' who did their Masters..but one thing I would be missing is the M.S after my name .
But now that I have equal opprtunity, I shouldnt be blaming time or fate and should do my Masters which I was planning for a long time. not an MS but an MBA degree..
"Oh God Please give me the mental strength and
make me dedicated and diligent so as to fulfil my dream..
I trust you and have full faith in you to help me
study well and concentrate on my work to achieve my dream"
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Aval kidaipaala??
enna vendru solvadhamma..
vanji aval perazhagai..
solla mudiyillayamma
konji varum perazhagai..
andhi manjal nirthavalai
en nenjil nirainthavalai....
naan ennendru solvaenoo..
adahi eppi solvaeno....
I am waiting to sing this song.... I am not sure if this is natural in all teh guys...I was expectign to have a very beautiful,intellgent girl friend when I joined my higher secondary school..college...office...my my expectations never met..may be sometime I realise there is someone of ur kind..but by the time I realise that the irl would have got engaged or married... this also happended in my life... I am very eager to sing the above lyrics.. to my one and only girl...
Aval kidaipaala??? avalai naan paarpena..?
Enakena yaerkanavae piranthaval yevaloo??
Idhyadhil kilikiluppai seibaval evalo...
vanji aval perazhagai..
solla mudiyillayamma
konji varum perazhagai..
andhi manjal nirthavalai
en nenjil nirainthavalai....
naan ennendru solvaenoo..
adahi eppi solvaeno....
I am waiting to sing this song.... I am not sure if this is natural in all teh guys...I was expectign to have a very beautiful,intellgent girl friend when I joined my higher secondary school..college...office...my my expectations never met..may be sometime I realise there is someone of ur kind..but by the time I realise that the irl would have got engaged or married... this also happended in my life... I am very eager to sing the above lyrics.. to my one and only girl...
Aval kidaipaala??? avalai naan paarpena..?
Enakena yaerkanavae piranthaval yevaloo??
Idhyadhil kilikiluppai seibaval evalo...
Monday, August 07, 2006
Colchester - Zoo
Getting setlled in Cambridge now..was feeling a bit bad that I didnt have any good company to roam aroung U.K. My friend is jus now married and I didnt want to disurb the couple. So I was planning to go to Ely. I got a call from from my friend's wife and she said let's plan to go to Colchester zoo tomorrow (saturday 5-Aug-2006). I was happy and said OK..we checked the bus timings and train timings and at 9 o clock in the night we came to know that I wouldnt be able to catch the train the next morining becos the first bust from Cambourne (the place where I live) is at 7:55 AM and it would take approx. 4 mins to reach teh station.
So my friend offered a choice to come and stay in his home that night so that we can start early the next Morning.I reached my friend's place in a place called Cherry Hinton in cambridge at 1115 pm. So we planned to get up at 0530 in the morning and get ready to catch the train at 0815.
Next day:
My friend's wife jus stopped the alarm when it rang and slept asusual forgetting abt the plan. I happened to wake up at 6:30 and also woke them up. We got ready in few mins..and she packed idiyappam for break fast. We took a cab and were happy to reach the station and board teh train which was about to leave.We were lucky in seconds.
We had to change train in Ipswich and take another train to colchester.
We reached colchester station at aroung 0945 and took a taxi to the zoo. The zoo was very big We were given a map and the zones were created besed on the continents. We sa all kind og animals like orangutans,chimanzees, wolves, hunting dogs, sealion,penuins,warthos...etc etc..
I havent seen such a big zoo.
We spent almost 6 hrs and we were lucky to see the sealion feeding and a performance by them. It was just amazing. We had some fries,chips,butter croissants in the zoo.
We left the zoo at around 1630 , ook a cab to the tation and reached cambridge.
This was my first trip in the UK after come here almost a month before.
The zoo was really amazing and it's worth spending the money.
So my friend offered a choice to come and stay in his home that night so that we can start early the next Morning.I reached my friend's place in a place called Cherry Hinton in cambridge at 1115 pm. So we planned to get up at 0530 in the morning and get ready to catch the train at 0815.
Next day:
My friend's wife jus stopped the alarm when it rang and slept asusual forgetting abt the plan. I happened to wake up at 6:30 and also woke them up. We got ready in few mins..and she packed idiyappam for break fast. We took a cab and were happy to reach the station and board teh train which was about to leave.We were lucky in seconds.
We had to change train in Ipswich and take another train to colchester.
We reached colchester station at aroung 0945 and took a taxi to the zoo. The zoo was very big We were given a map and the zones were created besed on the continents. We sa all kind og animals like orangutans,chimanzees, wolves, hunting dogs, sealion,penuins,warthos...etc etc..
I havent seen such a big zoo.
We spent almost 6 hrs and we were lucky to see the sealion feeding and a performance by them. It was just amazing. We had some fries,chips,butter croissants in the zoo.
We left the zoo at around 1630 , ook a cab to the tation and reached cambridge.
This was my first trip in the UK after come here almost a month before.
The zoo was really amazing and it's worth spending the money.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I went today to the HSBC bank in teh citi cente in Cambridge to open a bank account. I have opened only one Bank a/c in SBI in Chennai..but the procedure here was entirely different.After submitting my passport copy and address proof..the person (an Indian settled probably) entered those details and my salary details in the database..she let the system decide on what tpe of account the bank should give me and if I can be given a credit card or not.
I dont know if I was really lucky but the person said that the system has given me a very good account,current account with over draft and a credit card... am not sure if I have to be hapy abt this...
Now abt the chatting sessions..
Gtalk is good but some time there is a long pause/noise for more than 10 secs...I think it was better at home in India with a BSNL Data One connection...But now I feel India is technically developed..
Discussd a lt of things with my friend Murali - abt North/South India, Culture Change, the perception of India/Indian by "foreigners"..the company we worked for..all shits...
I dont know if I was really lucky but the person said that the system has given me a very good account,current account with over draft and a credit card... am not sure if I have to be hapy abt this...
Now abt the chatting sessions..
Gtalk is good but some time there is a long pause/noise for more than 10 secs...I think it was better at home in India with a BSNL Data One connection...But now I feel India is technically developed..
Discussd a lt of things with my friend Murali - abt North/South India, Culture Change, the perception of India/Indian by "foreigners"..the company we worked for..all shits...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Ah! founa a tennis court vey near to where I live. So started playing tennis again after a long 2 years...so planning to improve my tennis skills ..also got to read a lot..
Last evening I went to the small lake..actuall an artificial pond jus opposite to my office..I was jus enjoying the ducks there..there were quite a few ..was then listening to music and came back home.... Even small thing does matter in this world..the nature is always beatiful..and one has to enjoy ....
Last evening I went to the small lake..actuall an artificial pond jus opposite to my office..I was jus enjoying the ducks there..there were quite a few ..was then listening to music and came back home.... Even small thing does matter in this world..the nature is always beatiful..and one has to enjoy ....
Saturday, July 15, 2006
UK Waley
On 8th of July 2006 I started from Chennai (MAA) to London Heathrow (LHR)..
June 8th-July 7th
Quit my previous company Moto on 7th of June..and flew to sweet singara chennai o 8th.
Ended up paying Rs.1400/- in spice Jet for the extra luggae.
had a great tine at home. Went to kodai and tirupathi with family.
July 8th.
I start from MAA to LHR by British Airways. I am leavig to UK for a permanent employement there. But my actaul aim is to earn some money - do my MBA and settle down in chennai with parents and family.
Actually I felt the pain ( home sickness) when I laned up here. From LHR I had booked a Taxi to Cambridge to the place where I booked for accomodation.
I was feeling homesick and wanted to go back to my my parents (my mom especially).
Didnt get adjusted to the timings so slept a bit early ( indian time).
July 9th
With my friend ( havent seen him b4 that but came to know abt him thru another friend) wnt for shopping as he would be leaving in another 4 days. Passed time to forget my home.
July 10th
Joined the new company in Cambridge called IP Access. Happy to meet a lot of fellow Indian who would be here for atleast an year.
July 11th
Decided to moved to the apartment where these guys are staying.
July 12-July 14
home-office-friends place - home
July 15
Shifted to the new place. Found a tennis court nearby to play tennis. More importantly started blogging.
These days I am trying to cht with whever comes online in my google or yahoo messenger..
June 8th-July 7th
Quit my previous company Moto on 7th of June..and flew to sweet singara chennai o 8th.
Ended up paying Rs.1400/- in spice Jet for the extra luggae.
had a great tine at home. Went to kodai and tirupathi with family.
July 8th.
I start from MAA to LHR by British Airways. I am leavig to UK for a permanent employement there. But my actaul aim is to earn some money - do my MBA and settle down in chennai with parents and family.
Actually I felt the pain ( home sickness) when I laned up here. From LHR I had booked a Taxi to Cambridge to the place where I booked for accomodation.
I was feeling homesick and wanted to go back to my my parents (my mom especially).
Didnt get adjusted to the timings so slept a bit early ( indian time).
July 9th
With my friend ( havent seen him b4 that but came to know abt him thru another friend) wnt for shopping as he would be leaving in another 4 days. Passed time to forget my home.
July 10th
Joined the new company in Cambridge called IP Access. Happy to meet a lot of fellow Indian who would be here for atleast an year.
July 11th
Decided to moved to the apartment where these guys are staying.
July 12-July 14
home-office-friends place - home
July 15
Shifted to the new place. Found a tennis court nearby to play tennis. More importantly started blogging.
These days I am trying to cht with whever comes online in my google or yahoo messenger..
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Dr. Sekhar's Dosa - New Thippasandra
Me and my roomie had dinner at Dr. Sekhar's Dosa in New Thippasanadra. This hotel was opening hardly a month before and when we went there at 9.15 PM (approx) it was full (though we got a table for us). I was wondering about the bachelors in bangalore (icluding me) who are motivating guys to become entrepreneurs ( hotel business). I am not sure if the same would click in chennai. So enjoyign the last few days in Bangalore...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Chennai - Air Sahara - DELAYED
I was annoyed to see the flight delays. I could accept delays in landing due to improper planning in India, but the difference in STD (Scheduled time of Departure) and ETD ( Estimated Time if Departure) of the Indian Domestic flights would be more. Yesterday my sister was supposed to fly by Air Sahara evening flight from Bangalore to Chennai. She did not notice the flight delay until I saw that and informed her. When I asked about the delay in the ticketing counter, the female tehre said I have to check it up in the boarding counter if they could endorse the ticket in any earlier Jet Airways flight provided there should be quota availability.
Now that Air Sahara is taken over by Jet tehy have few seats in the next Jet Airways flight if the are any delays in Air Sahara. This is good.
So I managed to get my sister's ticket endorsed in a Jet Airways flight. But still we had 2 hrs to spend..so we had a burger,samosa and a trpoical Ice berg cold coffee at the coffee day outlet in the airport and had a small walk.
Now that Air Sahara is taken over by Jet tehy have few seats in the next Jet Airways flight if the are any delays in Air Sahara. This is good.
So I managed to get my sister's ticket endorsed in a Jet Airways flight. But still we had 2 hrs to spend..so we had a burger,samosa and a trpoical Ice berg cold coffee at the coffee day outlet in the airport and had a small walk.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Crocodile Park - Chennai
Been to chennai last weekend. I was really feeling bored on Sunday and jus tried to go to Adyar by Bike. The weather was good so I enjoyed the ride in my bro's Super Splendor. My nostalgic memories made me turn towards Thiruvanmiyur.
During the final year of my college days me along with few of my friends used to go for swimming at the WATER PALACE in Thiruvanmiyur. I remebered those good old days and wanted to find teh way to the pool again. Not being able to find it, I jus drove staring to teh ECR road..stopped at the provate beach near Uthandi for few mins and again at Muttukadu for few mins. I was feeling bored to go for boating alone and so I decided to go ahead and was happy to see the board saying 'Crocodile Park 3kms'..being a wild life enthusiast I went there and saw soem different types of Crocodiles. Also one interesting this is that I also saw how the venom is taken from snake which is used as the medicine for Sanke bites.
Saw king cobras and other indian varities of Snakes. I felt it is a very good place for the young children and will kindle their interests for knowledge on the wild life.
The park was not crowded and was able to spend 45 mins there.
Also, they said that the venom from the snake would be taken only once in a week and if they try to take for the second time , it would hurt their tootha nd the snakes would not be able to eat their food[live rats]. These snakes are fed during night times as they do not take their food when people are around. I saw some rats[alive] being packed fro the sankes' dinner.
After the movie sorpion king I saw many scorpions at one stretch there in the crocodile park.
During the final year of my college days me along with few of my friends used to go for swimming at the WATER PALACE in Thiruvanmiyur. I remebered those good old days and wanted to find teh way to the pool again. Not being able to find it, I jus drove staring to teh ECR road..stopped at the provate beach near Uthandi for few mins and again at Muttukadu for few mins. I was feeling bored to go for boating alone and so I decided to go ahead and was happy to see the board saying 'Crocodile Park 3kms'..being a wild life enthusiast I went there and saw soem different types of Crocodiles. Also one interesting this is that I also saw how the venom is taken from snake which is used as the medicine for Sanke bites.
Saw king cobras and other indian varities of Snakes. I felt it is a very good place for the young children and will kindle their interests for knowledge on the wild life.
The park was not crowded and was able to spend 45 mins there.
Also, they said that the venom from the snake would be taken only once in a week and if they try to take for the second time , it would hurt their tootha nd the snakes would not be able to eat their food[live rats]. These snakes are fed during night times as they do not take their food when people are around. I saw some rats[alive] being packed fro the sankes' dinner.
After the movie sorpion king I saw many scorpions at one stretch there in the crocodile park.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Are Brahmins Dalits today ?
Increasing resevation for OBCs..Forward Castes ( once most privileged gang) are now suffering due the reservation policies in India. The govt. instead of developing the infrasturcture and providing more facilities so that the OBCs could compete equally with the other people just makes them lazy by introducing reservations. In city or the urban areas where the OBCs and the other castes have equal opportunity this reservations just slaps hard on the OFCs (othe Forward Castes).
A FC guy though scoring higher marks would no be able to make it to the top govt. institution for his preferred subject because of reservation.
Govt. can provide more scholarship and encourage OBCs by other means without pusing the FCs backaward.
Read this article in rediff This article is taken from http://in.rediff.com/news/2006/may/23franc.htm
A FC guy though scoring higher marks would no be able to make it to the top govt. institution for his preferred subject because of reservation.
Govt. can provide more scholarship and encourage OBCs by other means without pusing the FCs backaward.
Read this article in rediff This article is taken from http://in.rediff.com/news/2006/may/23franc.htm
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The Da Vinci Code ...
One of the best thing is that my friend is working in another branch of our company which is 2 building before the Innovative Multiplex, Bangalore. I called him up and asked him if he culd book 4 tickets the DVC movie. Me along with my 3 roomies watche dthe movie.
I read teh story before and I was thrilled to watch the movie. Though the movie did not describe the fiction as in the book it was quite interesting. I particularly enjoyed each and every scene refreshing my memory.
Itz a good movie to be watched after reading the book..I would rather say the book is very good.
I read teh story before and I was thrilled to watch the movie. Though the movie did not describe the fiction as in the book it was quite interesting. I particularly enjoyed each and every scene refreshing my memory.
Itz a good movie to be watched after reading the book..I would rather say the book is very good.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Munnar Trip - Day 2
And for the first time in my travel I made friend with a guy in the adjacent seat. He started talking to me first and asked if I am a Mallu (in malayalam). I replied 'no' and he converstaion thus started and we atalked about music,college,telecom,etc... Next day I reached Cochin at 7.30 AM - the bus was delayed due to some accident. I waitied in teh Cochin busstop for about half an hour and got a bus to Munnar. The journey was in the hilly region and the scenary on the way was feast to the eyes and heart. Reached top of the mountain and took an auto to the resort (Deshadhan 5500 m above sea level). So had fun with my cousins.
I did not visit any place..jus had food,chat and enjoyed the day..
On 28th I took a TNSRTC bus from Munnar ( and teh bUs trip was really horrible) to Udumalai.I was running short of time as I had to borad the train in Ciombatore at 2235 hrs.
I was looking at my watch every 2 mins and also at the mile stones on the NH to coimbatore..But atlast when I reached the CBE Rly. station it was 2240 and I was happy to see the Display in the Rly. station theat my train 6525-kanyakumari Express was exected at 2300 hrs..teh train was late..I thanked God and waited for the train.
I reached B'lore on 29th at 0630 hrs nd took an auto to reach home.
Will soon publish the photos..
I did not visit any place..jus had food,chat and enjoyed the day..
On 28th I took a TNSRTC bus from Munnar ( and teh bUs trip was really horrible) to Udumalai.I was running short of time as I had to borad the train in Ciombatore at 2235 hrs.
I was looking at my watch every 2 mins and also at the mile stones on the NH to coimbatore..But atlast when I reached the CBE Rly. station it was 2240 and I was happy to see the Display in the Rly. station theat my train 6525-kanyakumari Express was exected at 2300 hrs..teh train was late..I thanked God and waited for the train.
I reached B'lore on 29th at 0630 hrs nd took an auto to reach home.
Will soon publish the photos..
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Travelogue - Munnar
Trip to Munnar :
In Short - Started from B'lore on 26/5/2006 by KSRTC
Route - Bangalore - Thrissur- Cochin(Ernkulam)
Kerala SRTC - Cochin - Adimali- Munnar - Deshadhan Hill Resort
Return: 28/5/20006
TNSRTC - Munnar-Maraiyur-Udumalipettai-Coimbatore(ukkadam)
Southern Railways - Coimbatore Junction-Thirupattur-Bangalore.
In Detail :
My cousin sis and bro are spending thier hlidays with thir family. I joined them for their trip to Munnar. So I initially booked the tkts from B'lore to Coimbatore and return not knowing that it is very far from CBE. tehn I cancelled my 'to' tkt and booked it in KSRTC from B'lore to Cochin on 26/5 at 1430 hrs.
Started from office at around 1245hrs, took an auto to the majestic bus stand. Expect the unexpected- the auto broke down near kemp for in airport orad and I took another auto from there to majestic. I had to cancel the earlier booked tkt to coimbatore. The queues in the counters for reservation/cancellation were very big so waited for 5 mins in the counter where the KSRTC person was yet to arrive.
Sometime I behave very impatiently. A foreigner in the KSRTC bus stand counter ueue was standing jus before my turn..I tried move to side near the counter and he said "I AM WAITING IN THE QUEUE". I said "OK" and stood behind him for my turn. And as expected I gave my tickts for cancellation, the officer went to another counter and gave the tkt, which ofcourse was not cancelled and the gave me the refund. The point here is that they would sell the tkt to the same price to another person. Anyway, I got my refund and also was least bothered if they resell the tickets as I didnt have enough time to argue with them.
I boarded the bus at 1420hrs.My seat number was "1" and had enough legroom and it was a semi-sleeper bus.
In Short - Started from B'lore on 26/5/2006 by KSRTC
Route - Bangalore - Thrissur- Cochin(Ernkulam)
Kerala SRTC - Cochin - Adimali- Munnar - Deshadhan Hill Resort
Return: 28/5/20006
TNSRTC - Munnar-Maraiyur-Udumalipettai-Coimbatore(ukkadam)
Southern Railways - Coimbatore Junction-Thirupattur-Bangalore.
In Detail :
My cousin sis and bro are spending thier hlidays with thir family. I joined them for their trip to Munnar. So I initially booked the tkts from B'lore to Coimbatore and return not knowing that it is very far from CBE. tehn I cancelled my 'to' tkt and booked it in KSRTC from B'lore to Cochin on 26/5 at 1430 hrs.
Started from office at around 1245hrs, took an auto to the majestic bus stand. Expect the unexpected- the auto broke down near kemp for in airport orad and I took another auto from there to majestic. I had to cancel the earlier booked tkt to coimbatore. The queues in the counters for reservation/cancellation were very big so waited for 5 mins in the counter where the KSRTC person was yet to arrive.
Sometime I behave very impatiently. A foreigner in the KSRTC bus stand counter ueue was standing jus before my turn..I tried move to side near the counter and he said "I AM WAITING IN THE QUEUE". I said "OK" and stood behind him for my turn. And as expected I gave my tickts for cancellation, the officer went to another counter and gave the tkt, which ofcourse was not cancelled and the gave me the refund. The point here is that they would sell the tkt to the same price to another person. Anyway, I got my refund and also was least bothered if they resell the tickets as I didnt have enough time to argue with them.
I boarded the bus at 1420hrs.My seat number was "1" and had enough legroom and it was a semi-sleeper bus.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Long Time No B
Here B stands for BLOG....I was checking all my favorite blogs regularly but was feeling a bit lazy to update my own blog..rather I would say not much of initeresting incidents happened..When I read some articles in the news paper I sometime feel like I should blog this article...but was a bit busy or I would rather forget.
One such thing that I wanted to bringup in my blog is PAUL KRUGGMAN's Article in THE HINDU (Courtesy : Newyork Times). Paul point out the the mismanagement in the Bush adminstration and also about the inefficiency of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in US. I the article that I read 2 days before he has mentioned that nothing good has happened during the Bush Adminstration except for the TAX cuts. He cites Bill Clinton's efficient management and the contrary Bush Administration.
One such thing that I wanted to bringup in my blog is PAUL KRUGGMAN's Article in THE HINDU (Courtesy : Newyork Times). Paul point out the the mismanagement in the Bush adminstration and also about the inefficiency of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in US. I the article that I read 2 days before he has mentioned that nothing good has happened during the Bush Adminstration except for the TAX cuts. He cites Bill Clinton's efficient management and the contrary Bush Administration.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Vacation - Trip to Delhi
Went to Delhi and visited Delhi,Agra,fatehpur Sikhri and Jaipur.Will blog about the trip in detail.
Delhi trip was fun.
Lots of holidays this week. We are working for jus 3 days this week.
Delhi trip was fun.
Lots of holidays this week. We are working for jus 3 days this week.
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